Sunday, January 20, 2013

Architectural Decline

Welcome to Architectural Decline - where I write about my third stint in unemployment as a now architect.

I had an employer ask me "why do I have 3 different jobs in 6 years on my resume". My answer "the economy and bankrupt developers". If I had it my way I would be at the same desk I was in right out of school. I'd be in a project manager position or something well paying. But I'm stuck in this top of the bottom job level. And it's not my fault.

So being that this is the third time I do consider myself an expert. So I would like to share some advice on what helps along the way. You see I was able to regain employment twice now.

2009. The year of the great recession. This was only the beginning. I worked for a large firm focusing on educational building and master planning. Boom. Lost funding for projects. Projects in progress were stopped. My job was stopped. They pulled me into the conference room. I thought it was the worst day of my life. Little did I know it was not the last worst day of my life.

I applied to every office in LA, every wanted ad I came across and talked to every colleague I could contact. I gave up for a while and figured I would just ride out the recession, thinking it wouldn't last forever. For me it lasted 9 months. I took a job in a one woman office (I was the only employee). It was close quarters and she didn't like to listen to 'bangy' music (which pretty much included all music at an audible volume) or open the windows for air, or use the a/c. That was just the beginning. I took the job after being desperate for 9 months and I was proud and happy to be working again, aside from all the negative aspects. It lasted a good 2 years. I decided that my sanity needed some relief, so I opened the window and flew like a bird, with nothing to fall back on.

My second unemployment lasted 4 months. I used this time to complete my ARE exams. I also remodeled my boyfriend's loft. I designed, got permits, and sat in my home while dust and saws and ranchero music played downstairs where the work was going on.

I only looked for 2 days and found a great job. A smallish firm in mid-city with a great design portfolio. This lasted a year. The developer who funded all our projects (of course) folded. That was it. Again.

And so I find myself, again, looking for a new job. Upon hearing the news of my unemployment I immediately scheduled my final exam. I am now an architect. Some good that does. I have also re-versed myself in all things Revit and will do anything I need to do to make myself more sellable.

So advice to fellow unemployed architects or architects-to-be:
1. Finish all those tests. Get licensed. Why not?
2. Learn any software you never had the time for. Make a fake project. Use it as much as possible.
3. Call everyone you know and figure out who they are connected to and who might be able to help you. (Try linkedin)

More advice to come in post 2 - until I get a job. And then I should hope that I have even better advice, because I will have overcome this lull in my career, again.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry for your unemployment. I decided to become a librarian when that was still a viable career path and am out of work too. I think society is declining as a whole. Symphonies are being underfunded or eliminated, libraries are closing branches, and schools are failing.Perhaps it makes sense that architecture, another staple of civilization is also disintegrating. But despite my pessimistic outlook things can turn around. Best wishes.
